
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Oh How Pinteresting-Friendship

A long time ago, in 2006 on a certain day in September, it was my first day in campus. I then met this girl, her name is Alice. Same name with my sister and our fathers share the same last names, so we have the same surname. To cut the story short, me and this girl clicked and we became instant friends. We have been friends ever since. We got out of campus and are no living our lives very far away from each other. However, we still love each other and though we don't talk everyday, we know our friendship is always there. Always. So yesterday, she found time to come for a sleepover at my house. We talked and talked and talked and then today we went swimming and had lots of fun. I will always treasure this friendship because it is so special to me.
So, for today's Pinteresting, I chose to focus on friendship as I link up with Michelle from The Vintage Apple.
Source: via Candy on Pinterest

I totally love the e-card because we are totally like that. Enjoy!


  1. Aww I love this! And I love Pinterest!

  2. I love the girls laughing together. It is so true, girlfriends are important! I also love the ring the one girl is wearing :)

  3. The extremely unimportant one is definitely me and my best friend! Hilarious!

  4. love your friendship pins! they make me miss mine.

    happy wednesday
    xx :: ashlyn

    let it be beautiful

  5. Aww. These ones are sweet!

  6. So cute! :) Made me miss my bestie, she's all in a different state for college and stuff. :( Great definitions of friendship though, I love it!


Thanks for the Love