
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

How to Incorporate Yellow into Your Life

Today, I want to introduce you to the most gorgeous, brightest and beautiful colors on earth. I bet you already know it but you dont give it much attention. It is by far my favorite color and it is only fair to say that am obsessed!Lets hear it for YELLOW!!!

It does not matter what we are talking about, be it dresses, tops, shoes, interior decor, whatever: Yellow runs this place. I love the brightness and the sunshineness (is that a word???) of this color! Moreover, I think you can combine it with anything. But especially Grey. I dont know if its my love for Grey's Anatomy or otherwise but I think a combination of two of my most favorite things is a good Combo. So after much thought an analysis, I think my wedding's theme colors will be Yellow and Grey.

I digress!!,please forgive me. So I was talking about how Yellow can be combined with anything. Black, blue, purple, Green, Indigo (eeerrrr!!!) or any other colors that you might invent. I just love it and I welcome you on a joourney of how Yellow can be incorporated into your and my life!
1. To start a blog post. I laugh at myself right now!

2. Yellow dresses, wedges, pumps, all of it. And that blue bag goes really well with it.
 3. Blazer, with jeans and stripped top. Beautiful. Chevron, grey and yellow, YES!!!! Lacy dress in a very light shade of yellow is gorgeous too.

 4. And then there was Lace, Yellow Lace to be specific. And I fell in love. And we lived happily ever after!Nothing else to say!

5. Oh and just so you know, yellow is good for the house too. Just look at these accessories or beauties as I call them. Too awesome.
I think I'll just relax and admire everything in yellow. I love yellow. It brightens my days even when it is just on the internet. I hope you discover the power of Yellow. And by the way, Yellow is my guiding word for this year: to brighten mine and other people's lives and spread sunshine in our world.
The only way we can have more yellow right now is by listening to Coldplay's; yellow. That way our world would be complete. 
Love you and just so you know, I loved writing this post and I hope you enjoy reading it!
All pictures via


  1. you really do know how to incorporate yellow into everything and i LOVE it!!

  2. I do wish yellow and I got on better. It's such a prettypretty colour. Sadly... I just look a bit green against it. Odd undertones in my skin. LOL Red suits betterer. Great post! Love the pics.

  3. I am in love with yellow too! I love the yellow chevron print and the yellow accessories pin! I love how it matched your blogger them as well! Happy Wednesday, God Bless!

  4. Given a choice of colors in anything, my hubby will always go for yellow. Not me, though. I'm too olive-skinned to pull off wearing yellow.

  5. omg love those pins girl :) grey and yellow is such a great color combo! cute blog too!

  6. like the shoes. can't do the yellow on those jeans. I like yellow but dont wear it much will think about adding a little more for the summer

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