
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Me, Myself and I

Hello my lovely peeps!! Hope your week is going well and you are being the best you can.
I hope your lives are flowing, smoothly, with no hitches.
Anyway, the blogosphere is a huge place and we sometimes get caught up in the process of blogging that we forget to make the most basic of human needs: connection.
We all want to connect with others and this is why blogging seems so appealing.
This is also the reason why I love the Me, Myself & I link-up. It helps us get to know the human side of bloggers.
So lovely people, this is an opportunity for you to get to know me a little bit better..

1. When you are feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
 When am feeling down, I usually shut down and keep to myself. So, to pick myself up I might cook, clean, go for a walk, run, write, cry a little, tell myself that I will be ok, call my bff, eat a lot of a little, some yoga also helps
2.If you had to live in a different time period, which would you prefer?
I would love to live in the 1920's. The Gatsby era, so pompous and life seemed so full. I'd have loved to see the prosperity in the world at that time.

3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?
There is nothing like Halloween in Kenya so I cannot answer this. However, I will let you in on a secret, in High school I was always part of the music festivals and we used to wear sisal skirts to enhance the dance movements. #loved it.
4. Five weird things we wouldn't know without being told?
a)Am always first on the dance floor and I haven't been on it for at-least five months now.#sad
b)I hate cats. More like, I fear cats. Well, I like their photos but in real life.....don't come near me.
c)Am a mum's girl.
d)I think I need fashion help. Jeans and t-shirts are getting boring.
e)I love new things but I loooove my old, familiar things. For example, I can't seem to let go of my phone which does not even have a camera.
5. What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
To take it easy. To focus more on studies and take time to just be young and enjoy high school.


  1. I have always been so interested in the 20's - no only the fashion but the whole post war society and all the social changes that took place. What a great era!

  2. My wardrobe is pretty much jeans and t-shirts too!


Thanks for the Love