
Thursday, 1 November 2012

Currently Thankful Thursday

Yesterday I had a crappy day!You know the kind of day that leaves you in tears!
Yeah, I cried in the evening and I don't know why but crying does have a way of making us feel better!
I was feeling so crappy and frustrated about nothing in particular!
I kind of think its the hormones!Yeah, let us blame the hormones, right?
Those crazy hormones, making me all angry and teary and sad....Keep away hormones!
We all agree that a happier me is what we want! Anyway, am feeling better today and I hope it gets better!
In fact, I know it will get better, there is going down again.
When I feel that crappy, I sometimes fall into the pity hole[that shitty self pity garbage hole]
Good thing, I don't stay there too long as I start looking for things that am actually grateful for!!
The little things that make me angry don't deserve so much attention when there are so many more things that make me happy!
Like you, and being alive, and my family, and this little blog, and food on the table, and good weather, and health and just about everything I have!
So, am thankful today for the crappy day I had Yesterday as it makes me appreciate the numerous good days I have everyday!

The Fontenot Four

I am Currently:
Loving my email. Really, I am because it has been a bearer of good news and sweet messages that inspire me to be better!If you wonna talk or just say hi, holla @ I'll be waiting!!

Looking forward to better and easier days. Sometimes, life just gets to me and I just wish I could choose which days to experience.

Cooking very rarely. I've not had time to cook as much as I would like. But, over the weekend, am going to try and cook some more.

Catching up on my crocheting. I've been making baby hats for my soon to be nephew. I cant wait to see him!Oh, and my friend is also due this week, its a surprise so I don't even know which colors to choose!

Missing my mum. Last night when I was feeling really bad, I just thought of my mum and how comforting she has always been. I immediately wanted a hug from her. How I wish I could see her more often!


  1. Hi Millie...dropping by from Almost Friday Thursday Blog hop.

  2. Hi stopping by from Currently link up!

  3. Oh Emmy, i hope you're feeling better now. We all have crappy days, and it's not just because of hormones, there are several factors. I totally understand. But don't let that consume your time and energy. Just think about the things that make you happy and most specially pray. And everything will be all right. I hope that helps. :)

  4. I hope your days are improving! I can totally relate to what you're saying though. Yes, the difficult days are always good in the sense that they make you appreciate the good days even more! Thanks for linking up again with me! :)


Thanks for the Love