
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Cute Little Purse

Hi there...
Hope your week is perfect so far and if worries, just two more days.
Have you noticed the changes on my blog?
I would love, love to hear what you think. Any ideas, criticism and comments are welcome.
Moving along, I have been wanting to expand my crochet repertoire..You know...
Its not nice to stay at the beginner phase for too long lest the interest fades
What better place to find inspiration that Pinterest {I swear that place is addictive, once you start, there is no going back]
Anyway, I found this cute little purse and I immediately wanted to make it.
                                                                                  Source: via Millie on Pinterest

I didn't have any idea what it would turn out like since am not yet a pro but I gotta say...I think I did a pretty good job. [nothing boosts the ego than blowing your own trumpet, lol]

Jokes aside....This is some of the yarn that Libby sent me and I have been putting it to good use. This video helped a lot as I was able to follow the instructions really nicely. Thank you Yolanda.

Am even making another purse for my sister. I will definitely be making many more for my mom and cousins.
What are you making right now?Are you surprising yourself like me?
Hope so..


  1. What a sweet little purse, it looks lovely x

  2. Your purse is wonderful and fun looking!

  3. That's a very cute little purse! Both of my girls could use one of those to carry their make up among other things. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Wow, this purse looks fabulous!


Thanks for the Love