
Thursday, 13 December 2012

Currently Thankful Thursday

Yesterday was Kenya's 49th Independence day Anniversary!!
Our country has taken numerous steps in the right direction.
I was so happy to be witnessing it but happier to have it as a public holiday!
It was an awesome day to say the least.
Though hubby was working, his sister and brother kept me company.
We had a really fun day and that is why I was away from blogging.
Anyway am back and feeling a little hungover from all the volleyball played last evening!
Am Currently:
Reading nothing apart from blogs, emails, comments, etc..I know, #notgood
Listening to Taylor Swift: Red. Loving it a lot!
Laughing about little things that tickle me.
Enjoying the holiday mood!Its ecstatic and I cant wait for my sister's graduation next week, followed by Christmas!
These are photos of our neighborhood

And am Thankful:
..for an amazing in-law family.
..for my hubby and the little things that make our relationship unique
..for hugs and kisses. am always so happy for these.
..for health
..for the weekend ahead
..for lovely people all around
..for yoga
..for peace of mind
..for everything in this little beautiful life of mine!
The Fontenot Four


  1. Visiting today from The Fontenot Four and Thankful Thursday! A blessing to have found your blog :)

  2. I am so sad that I haven't listened to Red yet! I'm glad you love it though. :)

  3. happy birthday kenya! and i loved your list! i'm gratefuly for yoga as well!

    happy thursday!

  4. Isn't Red Fantastic?! I've been so in love with that album since the moment I heard it!

    Love your blog!

  5. Everything looks so green and lush there! So different from the gray days and bare trees here in Canada!

  6. I'm with Randalin! It seems surreal that anywhere in the world has green while we're buried under a few feet of snow and below zero temperatures (in Canada too)! Looks lovely!


Thanks for the Love