
Wednesday, 8 May 2013

22 Weeks Bumpdate

Hello amazing people,
There I go again, vanishing from the surface of the earth and when you think I'll never come back, I pop out again.
Talking of popping, someone has popped. And when I say popped, I mean some part of my body has really popped.
If you read my previous post which was like a month ago, I think, I spilled the beans on my pregnancy.
I am doing pretty well and although there are still no pictures, I still want to give you a bumpdate.
Its been a good ride so far and I only hope it gets better.
We are already past the halfway mark and time is waiting for no woman this time around.
So here we go:
How far along are you:  22 Weeks and 3 days
How I'm feeling: I feel pretty good these days. Hunger pangs do strike now and then but am doing Ok. Also, I've been bloated this week but today woke up feeling better. Also I've got this newfound enthusiasm for life. Guess thats what comes with being a first time mommy.
Total Weight Gain: Am not really sure, but at the last doctor's appointment, I had gained a total of 5 kgs or you can say 11 pounds. My mum was a little happy about this since she has been telling me that am not gaining enough weight.
How big is baby: I hope baby is big enough. According to BabyCenter, baby at this age is 11 inches long and the size of a spaghetti squash.

Maternity clothes: Yep, none of my jeans fit anymore. But there is one that I still squeeze into even though I cannot zip up.
Stretch marks: No. Hoping that they don't show up any time soon.
Sleep: Am kind of sleepy these days. I never stay up past 10.30 except when am working night shifts. However, this week I've not slept too well. Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night to tell hubby that my baby is not allowing me to sleep. I think I need some extra pillows.
Best moment this week: On Saturday, my sister and I went shopping and bought some baby clothes. Some onesies, little warm sweaters, socks and a warm hat. It felt so good and made everything so real. I really do adore my sister and she is great company esp. for shopping. I think she will be a great auntie.
Movement: Yes, the baby is very active. Especially when am relaxed, I feel like there is a boxing match in there. But I love it, so very much. Sometimes baby kicks when am at work or in a serious meeting and I just smile to myself thinking that no one else can feel it but am actually carrying a human being inside of me.
Food cravings: Yes. I've been craving fish for the longest time and I've not yet gotten around to eating some. Think I should do that today.
Food Aversions: None.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out: In. However, it is not as in as it was before I got pregnant. I think that as the baby gets bigger, it is coming out more and more.
What I miss: I miss wine or just some kind of alcohol. I juts love my baby too much to take any at this time.
What am looking forward to:Oh, am so looking forward to the ultrasound two weeks from now. I cant wait to see the baby move about and maybe have a peek at his nether regions to know the gender.
Milestone: Just getting to 22 weeks is a milestone by itself. Feeling he baby move is also a big milestone. I've started doing some shopping too and I think that's a big milestone too.

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