
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Fare Thee Well Mum

Hello lovely people:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support through this difficult year and my mother in laws battle with cancer.
However, for those who do not know, she passed on peacefully at home on Sunday 23rd June, 2013.
We held a service and burial ceremony on 29th June 2013 and are now in the process of trying to move on.
It has been a truly difficult time for us.
We loved her so much and were torn between letting her go since she was suffering too much from the cancer or holding on too her and continually taking care of her.
Sometimes, its such a conflicting situation. We have had conflicting feelings for such a long time.
However, she did prepare us.
She told us not to pray for her healing but for God to do his will.
The night before she died (I still cannot believe am typing that word) she prayed for each one of us separately. She talked to us and told us the kind of life she wanted us to live.
It was an emotional night but an amazing fellowship.
Its like she knew.
Looking back, I know she was ready and when that Sunday afternoon came, with my father in law watching and praying with her, she breathed her last and slipped into the hands of God.
She was a firm believer so I know that her eternal dreams have been fulfilled.
We loved her and will always do and we do miss her terribly.
We cry a lot.
But we know that God picked the best from His garden.
He did not want her to suffer anymore.
He wanted to restore her health and give her the fullness of life.
I do feel teary writing this but I know she is in a truly better place.
A place where cancer is non-existent.
A place of pure and unrestricted joy.
Fare thee well Mum!
We do love you so very much!


  1. I've been thinking of you. I know the pain in putting these words on "paper" but also a relief in saying what's on your heart. I'm thankful that your Mum had the opportunity to speak to you all. That's something that doesn't happen often. But, I believe that God goes before the situation and fixes it in a way that we can bear it. So perhaps this was something that you all needed to find closure. And I do agree with you that she knew her time had come. Continuing to pray for you and your family for peace and strength.



Thanks for the Love