Friday, 9 March 2012

My Spring Break Friday Fancies

One of the greatest things I love about blogging is the connections I make everyday. Friday Fancies is one of those link-ups that gives us an opportunity as bloggers to connect with each other and see our beautiful fashionable creations. And of course the hostess {av} from long distance loving is awesome. Check out my banner and see how awesome she is. Second thing, I love about blogging, I get to fantasize about clothes I would wear in a season that I have never even experienced. In Kenya, we dont even understand what spring is. Anyway, I still love the outfit I came up with and hope you do too.


  1. super cute outfit girl! love the blues + reds!

    xx :: ashlyn
    let it be beautiful

  2. Love that Victoria Secret cover up! I just may have to buy it!

  3. That suit cover up is absolutely perfect!

  4. Fantastic picks!! I want to go online & buy that Victoria's Secret cover up right now! I am obsessed with stripes. I consider it a healthy obsession though. :)

    We're now happily following your blog. We'd love for you to visit ours!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. Hey Emmy, you're the best! You inspire me to create my own polyvore page so I can post dresses I fancy very much. :) I will reveal it soon on my blog.


  6. OMG I love that cover up!!! It's so cute!!! And that dress is so adorable! Love both those shoes too!! Fabulous! :)

    Have a great weekend!
    Nicole Rene

  7. I love those nautical bow shoes and bathing suit! And the blue dress is gorgeous!

  8. Love that you loved this outfit so much. Most of all am so happy that you left some love. Thank you!


Thanks for the Love